AMMA - The International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering, AMMA 2018

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Modeling and Analysis of a Vehicle Suspension
Liviu Nicolae Mihon, Nicolae Stelian Lontis

Last modified: 2018-07-14


The present paper will be focused on determining the tire-suspension assembly behavior involved in vehicle dynamics for a car through a dedicated model developed in Matlab/Simulink software. The Matlab/Simulink environment will be used, by the last release, 2018a, which offer a dedicated powertrain and vehicle dynamic modules. The analysis will use a model for the tires and a model for the suspension response for a vehicle configuration. The road simulation will be used for a complex analysis of the car response as input in model simulation. Will be expected models and mathematical equations for a complete simulation, with Simulink environment, in order to obtain rapid responses and pre evaluation of complex analysis for car-environment interaction. The study could be applied, in this analysis, only for a dedicated type of suspension, from the geometry point of view, but not limited to the viscosity and cinematic response of the damping assembly. The Matlab/Simulink parametrization will allow multiple ways parameters changing and time response of the model will shorten the analytical studies of vehicle dynamics.