AMMA - The International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering, AMMA 2018

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Biodiesel production and sustainability challenge
Fazal Um Min Allah, Marin Bica, Dragos Tutunea

Last modified: 2018-07-13


Today, energy is an indispensable factor for the developing of the societies and countries. However, most of the energy demand is supplied by fossil fuels which tend to dry up in the next few decades forcing all the authorities to find new alternative sources in order to stabilize their economies. Biodiesel has emerged as an alternative, biodegradable and renewable fuel which can be used in transportation sector without any modifications of internal combustion engines. Biodiesel is analyzed by environmental, social and economic criteria for sustainability analysis. The criteria for biodiesel sustainability are discussed by presenting different indicators, keeping in view the Romanian fuel market and Renewable energy directive. The paper concludes with perspectives and recommendations for biodiesel production and usage in Romania.