AMMA - The International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering, AMMA 2018

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Lateral Impact Behavior Study of a Car Door
Daniel Iozsa, Ana Maria Manea, Victor Costin David, Cornelia Stan

Last modified: 2018-07-11


Side impact collision is one of the most important challenges faced today by the automotive industry. This leads to a significant interest in the field of side impact protection by international car manufacturers and regulators. This article will present and study the effects produced during a lateral impact on a small impact area, the lateral impact with a pole impact. In the real world, impacts on small surfaces are collisions with rigid objects along the roadside, for example, trees and pillars. These accidents are dangerous and the frequency of deaths or serious injuries due to lateral impact is high. Studies have shown that the main cause of injury to persons in side impact collisions can be attributed to unwanted intrusion of a side panel in the passenger compartment. Nearby occupants are four times more likely to suffer serious or fatal injuries. The lateral impact is modeled on the passive safety rules that make the study base of a European organization, Euro NCAP. The primary objective in side impact is to maximize energy absorption and minimize injury to the occupant.