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AMMA 2018 is the annual international congress of Society of Automotive Engineers of Romania (SIAR) and isorganized under FISITA patronage by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.The aim of the Congress is to provide opportunities for the participants to:Gain their insights into the cutting edge automotive industry and ideas for future developments;Update their skills and knowledge by attending focused technical sessions;Network with potential new partners, clients and suppliers;View the latest technology, products and services in the technical exhibition.

The topics of congress:

1. Advanced engineering, software and simulation;

2. Cyber physical systems in automotive;

3. Green vehicle solutions;

4. Hybrid and electric vehicles;

5. Manufacturing technologies and materials;

6. Powertrain and propulsion;

7. Road safety, traffic management and transportation engineering

The Congress purpose is to gather members from academia, industry and government and present theirpossibilities for investigations/research, in order to establish new future collaborations in the automotive engineering and transport domain.

  • AMMA 2018

    AMMA 2018 Report

    AMMA 2018 in pictures...

    The IVth International Congress of Automotive and Transport Engineering

    Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

    October 17, 2018 – October 19, 2018



    AMMA 2018 is the annual international congress of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Romania (SIAR) and is organized under FISITA patronage by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers) as co-host.

    The aim of the Congress is to provide opportunities for the participants to:

    ü gain insight into the cutting edge automotive industry and ideas for future developments;

    ü update their skills and knowledge by attending focused technical sessions;

    ü network with potential new partners, clients and suppliers;

    ü view the latest technology products and services in the technical exhibition.

    The topics of congress are:

    1. Hybrid and electric vehicles;
    2. Powertrain and propulsion;
    3. Cyber physical systems in automotive;
    4. Advanced engineering, software and simulation;
    5. Road safety, traffic control and transportation engineering;
    6. Manufacturing technologies and Materials;
    7. Green Vehicle Solutions.

    The Congress purpose is to gather members from academia, industry and government and present their possibilities for investigations and research, in order to establish new future collaborations in the automotive engineering and transport domain.

    The students are also invited (free of charge) to take part and learn the most recent developments in their field of interest.

    A special workshop will be organized to discuss the challenges that universities are facing as providers of human resource for the industry (Automotive Engineering and Transport Education Workshop). This workshop will include presentations on innovative education methods in automotive and transport engineering to better serve the need of the industry.

    There will also be several activities for students:

    ü a dedicated conference session;

    ü two national contests:

    • Vehicle Dynamics (5th edition);
    • Automotive Computer Aided Design (2nd edition).

    To complement the congress program, a technical visit to local industry and research organizations (STC – Star Transmission Romania, assembly of the unique 9 speed gearbox) will be arranged.

    The AMMA2018 Congress is also an invaluable opportunity for companies to present their products and services to high-level engineers and managers.


    Eveniment realizat cu sprijinul Primariei si Consiliului Local Cluj-Napoca

    Event organized with the support of the City Hall and the Local Council of Cluj-Napoca


AMMA 2018 Sponsors: