AMMA Short History

Since its first edition in 2002, the AMMA Congress, organized by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, has pursued a mission to hold a leading role in automotive and transport engineering domain, with a steady track record of 15 years. The Congress became one of the annual international congresses of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Romania (SIAR), organized under the patronage of International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies (FISITA).

A brief statistic of the AMMA Congress is listed below:

AMMA edition Type of event Number of participants Number of papers Patronage

AMMA 2002

National Congress with International Participation



Patronage of FISTA

AMMA 2007

International Congress



Patronage of FISTA

AMMA 2013

International Congress



Patronage of FISTA

AMMA 2018

International Congress



Patronage of FISTA and SAE co-host


The purpose of AMMA is to gather members from academia, industry and government in one place where they can present their research, investigation, possibilities and challenges, in order to establish new future collaborations in the field of automotive engineering and transport.

AMMA 2018 Sponsors: