AMMA 2007

The AMMA 2007 International Congress of Automotive, Environment and Farm Machinery was held between 11thand 13th of October, in Cluj-Napoca, at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Themeeting was an international platform for academia, researchers and company specialists to discuss interdisciplinary research, boththeoretical and practical studies, as well as the future development trends in a wide field of automotive research.The main topics of the Congress were: road vehicles, engines, traffic, road safety, energy sources, environmental protection and agricultural machinery.

More than 200 authors from 5 countries participated at AMMA 2007. The participants agreed that a great benefit of the conference was networking and meeting new people, all with a common interest in the automotive and transportation field.

The keynote speakers of the Congress opening and plenary sessions were: Günter Hohl - President of EAEC and Vice President of FISTA Europe, Nicolae Orlandea – University of Michigan, USA and Peter Meulen – International Road Safety Academy, Association President.

More than 150 participants, including PhD students (of whom over 35 participants from abroad), presented theirs papers during the congress. After a thorough review process by the Scientific Committee, selected papers were published in special issues of Acta Technical Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in indexed in the International Data Bases.As a complement to the AMMA 2007 Congress, anundergraduate students’communication session was held, where eight papers were presented by students from abroad.

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